Credit card for legal entity

Mastercard Business gives you an opportunity to pay for purchases, services and withdraw cash from ATM within permitted on a monthly basis credit amount.
  • Make purchases in Estonia and around the world in places where is a Mastercard® logo
  • Pay for goods and services in the store or online

  • Withdraw cash from ATM

  • Make contactless payments

CONDITIONS FOR CARD APPLICANTS To qualify for a credit card, the applicant must own an account at TBB pank, have a steady income and make an agreed security deposit in TBB bank which depends on card credit limit.

Credit card applicants must fill out a standard-format application electronically on the Bank’s website or at the bank office.

Credit cards are issued as valid for 3 years. The expiry date of a given credit card is indicated on the front of the card.

CREDIT LIMITS Each type of a credit card has its own credit limits. The amount of credit depends on your needs and creditability. The limit is to be determined by the bank individually for every client for a term of 1 calendar month.
REPAYMENT OF THE CREDIT USED Settlement of the used credit amount is made automatically by deducting debt for purchases and services from the amount on the bank account the next calendar month but not later than within the term stipulated by the bank.
EARLY REPAYMENT OF USED CREDIT CARD LIMIT Credit card users are able to discharge used credit card limit ahead of schedule in full or partial amount on any day within a current month. Just after the used limit is discharged, the clear credit card balance enlarges on the payment amount. The discharge is made at the expense of the funds deposited in the current euro account. This early credit card repayment can be made in the bank office as well as in the Internet bank. The service is free of charge.
TRANSACTIONS IN EUROPE You rights when making payments in Europe

Contactless payments

Contactless payment is a payment for your purchase by touching a payment terminal with your bank card without entering PIN-code.

  • Quick and easy
  • Purchases up to 50 € inclusive without entering PIN-code
  • Option to activate or deactivate the contactless payments service
  • To make a payment the distance between your card and payment terminal shall not exceed 2 centimetres
  • Payment terminal is not deducting similar amount two times in a row for one and the same purchase. The terminal switches off after the sound signal
  • PIN-code to confirm your payment will be requested selectively, even if the purchase amount is below the limit
  • Card holder sets contactless payments limit by himself or herself and such limit could be minimal

You can perform contactless payments at POS-terminals in Estonia and in foreign countries; look for the MasterCard logo, just like on your bank card.

In Estonia there is a limit for contactless payments of 50 euros. Foreign countries have their own local limit for contactless payments. We recommend you before visiting a foreign country obtain information on the contactless payments limits

Card holder is able to set the contactless payments limit from zero to the maximum limit set by the bank.

You may activate a contactless payment function by performing a deal in cash terminal or in payment terminal as usual – a card shall be entered in terminal and payment confirmed by a PIN-code.


The usage of TBB payment card for online payments is allowed only if the seller of an e-shop accepts Mastercard for payment. In this case, Mastercard’s logos or relevant message should be displayed on the seller’s website.

To confirm the status of a card holder while shopping online it is necessary to use the special 3-digit CVC 2 (Card Validation Code 2) code. CVC 2 is printed on the backside of payment card.

Please note that CVC 2 code is used only in the Internet transactions. For all other operations, including cash withdrawal from ATMs, the 4-digit PIN-code is used.

For further information contact us at the following telephone numbers:

+372 66 88 064

+ 372 66 88 074

Bank card security rules

Please pay attention to our recommendations on the use of bank cards

At the time of concluding the contract on the use of a bank card, set limit amounts on debit and credit cards within a reasonable range. In the case of fraud or theft of the card it will not allow the fraudsters either to use all the funds on your current account, or the available limit on your credit card. Remember that you can always change the limit amounts.

  • We recommend you to memorize the PIN-code received in the bank together with the card, and then – to destroy the envelope with PIN-code
  • Do not write down your PIN-code on the card and never keep the PIN-code together with the card
  • You are the only one who knows the PIN-code. Do not, under any circumstances, tell it to anyone; if you have forgotten and can not retrieve your PIN-code, you should contact the bank to get a new card and a new PIN-code
  • When using, do not lose sight of the card and do not allow any service personnel to withdraw with your card
  • When you enter the PIN-code, cover the keys on the pad from outsiders
  • Before you confirm the PIN-code, check the amount once again
  • When using an ATM terminal, please, inspect the unit before you use the card and do not pass the card to third persons
  • If the card is withdrawn by ATM, it is necessary to block the card by calling our around the clock helpdesk (+372) 66 88 088. After the card is blocked, it can be left in an ATM
  • In order to raise the security level of card payments and prevent possible fraud cases, TBB pank applied a limit to the number of transactions for cash withdrawal with a magnetic strip from the cash machines in Asia – Pacific Ocean region countries

When making a purchase via the Internet, do not use an unknown computer. A malware that reads information from the bank card may be installed on someone else’s computer. Be careful when making web purchases. If you have any doubts about the actual existence of the seller or his trustworthiness, check whether his contact details are listed on the website. In the absence thereof, the client will not be able to submit a claim to the seller. If the seller’s contact details are listed on the website, but he does not respond to your inquiry, it is worth to refuse the services of such a seller.

  • SMS notification is a service of the Bank, which gives the customer the opportunity to receive SMS alerts from the Bank on payment transactions made with the bank card of the customer through ATMs, POS terminals, or through e-Commerce
  • It is possible to join this service at a bank office or via internet banking system by concluding a contract on SMS notification service. Block your card at once, when suspicious transactions emerge

Keep the bank card in a safe place that prevents access by unauthorized persons

Do not allow contact with objects having magnetic field (TV, audio system, etc.), as this may damage the magnetic strip on the bank card and make it unusable

In case of loss or theft of the card, you should immediately report it by contacting the nearest bank office or by calling our around the clock helpdesk +372 668 8088. In this case, you will need to provide your contact details and/or other data, known only to you and your bank. Then, your card will be blocked. To unlock the card, you should contact the bank personally

If the card loss occurred outside Estonia, and you can not contact TBB pank, then you may block your card, by calling the worldwide helpdesk of the MasterCard Global Service- MCGS + 1 636 722 7111


For secure payments in online stores, TBB pank offers its bank cards users a SecureCode service by Mastercard.

SecureCode – is the password created by you in the Internet Bank, which ensures your authentication and protection, by confirming the authenticity of an online transaction. It doesn’t require much time to enter the SecureCode, but it considerably increases the security level of card transactions. SecureCode – provides extra protection to your MasterCard cards from unauthorized use by third parties when you make payments in online stores.

When using the SecureCode payment system, you can be assured of the security of transactions made by you on the Internet. This system provides the most secure purchases at all online retailers, who accept this system. Sellers who are using the SecureCode system, place the SecureCode logo on the main page of their online store.

How does the SecureCode work

When paying for goods or services in the online store, you will be asked to confirm your purchase by using your SecureCode. To do this, you must take three simple steps:

 Pre-register at the Internet Bank your credit cards that you plan to use in e-commerce. (More details)

 At the time of purchase, enter a credit card number, your first and last names, card expiry date and CVC security code.

 In order to confirm the authenticity of the transaction, you will be prompted, in a special window, to enter the SecureCode. Within seconds, the bank will confirm that it is you who is making a purchase.

 Once it is determined that you really are a registered user of the card, the payment will be authorized.

Disputing a bank card transaction

Prior to dispute a credit card transaction, be advised that

 If the goods or service you bought online do not correspond to your order, are of poor quality, or the ordered goods have not arrived at all — you need to contact the seller first. Be sure to keep the history of correspondence with the seller, a copy of the order confirmation or a copy of the proof of payment

 If you have registered your card data, but do not want to continue to receive the service, you should inform the service provider about your intention to terminate the contract. If you fail do do so in a timely manner, it will be impossible to dispute the transaction amounts already written off from your account

 In case of the credit card charge made by a hotel, it is important to pay attention to the name of the hotel: have you ever used its services? A fee could be charged for non-arrival at the hotel (if the reservation was not cancelled in advance) or for any unpaid service, for example, the minibar bill

Disputing a bank card transaction

You are entitled to dispute your bank card transactions in the bank in the following cases:

✓ ATM failed to dispense cash, but the sum was debited from your account

 The amount of payment for the same purchase has been debited twice

 If you were unable to pay by card in a store, but the transaction amount has been deducted from the account

 The debited transaction amount is different from the amount agreed upon with the seller

 Card charges not authorized by the card holder. Most often it is fraud. In this case, the card must be cancelled immediately

Customer Guide for a Credit Card Dispute Resolution Process

1. In order to dispute the card transactions, you should address the Bank via e-mail or a teller at the Bank’s closest branch. If necessary, the teller will help to fill the card transaction contestation application. The application form can be downloaded from here.

2. Please attach to the completed application form payment cheques, ATM receipts or other documents justifying a card transaction dispute.

3. On the basis of a submitted application and attached documents the case will be investigated.

It is worth knowing that:

According to international recoveries’ rules card transaction recovery will be considered during 120 days after submitting the application, in exceptional cases the term of consideration can be prolonged.

The card holder has the right to dispute the transactions made without his consent and submit the reclamation to the card’s issuing bank immediately after detection of this circumstance, but no later than within 13 months after making the transaction.

SMS notification

SMS notification is a Bank service, which allows Client to receive a SMS message to his mobile phone, concerning withdrawal transactions from the bank card in the terminals and/ or automatic banking machines.

To join this service, the Customer has to conclude an agreement at a branch office, or through online banking at any convenient time.

The Customer has the right to determine independently SMS-service settings (to set as minimum amount for sending SMS-messages as method for debiting from the card: terminal, e-Commerce, ATM).

The fee for all SMS-notifications sent during the month is added and deducted automatically from your account on the last calendar day of the month.

In case of replacement of the mobile phone number, the client must terminate the contract on the basis of old number and sign new contract, specifying the new number.

Instruction for making a contract for a SMS-notification service

Debt repayment

Early repayment of used credit card limit.

1. Early repayment of used credit card limit only applies to credit cards with an active status.

2. The refund amount of used credit card limit may equal to or be less than the used limit.

3. This operation can be carried out through the menu item “Enquires” and sub-items “Consolidated statement” or “Cards”.

3.1. Select the relevant credit card and the action “Repay used credit card limit”.

3.2. Select the account from which you wish to make the repayment.

3.3. By default, the full amount of used credit card limit is offered for repayment. To repay only a part of the used limit, it is necessary to decrease the amount. The amount is indicated in euros only.

3.4. Click “OK” to confirm the operation.

4. Amounts paid as a repayment of used credit card limit are not taken into account either in daily or monthly limits on the transactions performed through the internet bank.

5. A receipt of the operation can be printed out under menu item “Payment history”.