Dear customer,
We would like to inform you that from the 24th of June 2020 there will be changes in the Bank’s Schedule of fees and charges.
The most significant changes in the price list concern, in particular, the following fees:
• bank transfers and cash transactions at the Office
• account and bank card management fees (calendar month based)
• additional service fees
In addition, we also revised the names of services and products, also we have simplified pricing structure, partially redefined service pricing and removed products and services from the price list which we no longer provide.
The updated price list is available on the Bank’s website.
If you accept the changes, you do not need to take any further action: in this case, your contract(s) will be subject to a new price list as of 24th of June 2020. If you do not agree with the changes in the price list, you have the right to terminate the agreement(s) with the bank by 23th of June 2020 at the latest.
For more information, contact us by e-mail at or by calling our contact phone 66 88 066.
The new price list is available to view here:
Wishing you pleasant cooperation!
TBB bank