Currency rates

29.04.2024 17:01
CodeBank buys (cash)*Bank sells (cash)*Bank buys (transfer)Bank sells (transfer)ECB*Currency
CAD 0.00000 0.00000 1.47745 1.44806 1.46350 Canadian Dollar
CNY 0.00000 0.00000 7.98538 7.40297 7.76270 Chinese yuan
DKK 0.00000 0.00000 7.49529 7.41295 7.45810 Danish Crone
GBP 0.00000 0.00000 0.86305 0.84591 0.85493 Great Britain Po
NOK 0.00000 0.00000 11.88271 11.70330 11.78350 Norvegian Crone
PLN 0.00000 0.00000 4.36756 4.28816 4.32550 Polish Zloty
SEK 11.81171 11.59525 11.80127 11.60571 11.68500 Swedish Crone
USD 1.08523 1.05527 1.09171 1.04880 1.07200 American Dollar

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      * Please note, that calculations are informative

      For currencies not rated by ECB, the exchange rate of the Bloomberg agency against the euro is shown.

      The exchange rate is: 1 euro = X amount in foreign currency.

      AS TBB Bank’s private customer transactions from 20,000 euros and legal entities from 50,000 euros are subject to an agreement rate, which can be requested from the Bank’s dealer by phone +372 6688 037, +372 5347 2183 from 9:00 to 17:00 (Estonian time).

      Currency rates are informative and subject to change during the banking day.

      * The purchase and sale of cash in foreign currency is carried out only in the Tallinn branch of the bank at Estonia Avenue 5a for clients of TBB pank.

      AS TBB Bank’s private customer cash transactions from 10,000 euros are subject to an agreement rate.