API PSD2 user manual

1. To register in the open banking system you need to install the Token Open Banking (Token.io) application on any mobile device from AppStore or Google Play Market and follow the step-by-step registration instructions.


2. After registration in Token.io, the application will suggest linking it to the customer’s settlement accounts with various banks. This can be done using Link Bank. You need to select AS TBB pank from the list of Estonian banks.


3. After bank selection has been made, the application will automatically redirect the user to the AS TBB pank Internet banking page, where they will be asked to complete authorization using various methods.


4. Upon successful Internet banking authorization, the user will need to choose the settlement accounts that will be available in the Token.io system. Additionally, when choosing an account, the user should specify the options of working with these accounts.


5. Having confirmed your consent to allow access to your accounts, user will be redirected back to Token.io and will be able to start using available transactions:

  • view your account balances;
  • get information about completed transactions;
  • confirm access to your account information for Third Party Payment Service Providers (TPP) via the application (whenever third parties request account information from Token.io, a notice will be sent to the user to confirm access to information in the application);
  • make online purchases from various merchants connected to the Token.io system;
  • view all the accounts connected to the system, as well as the rights granted to third parties.

If another settlement account needs to be added, the procedure can be repeated via Token.io Settings (Settings => Link Bank Accounts => Estonia => AS TBB pank).